Wat is een carotis dissectie?

Wat is een carotis dissectie?

Een dissectie is een scheur in de bloedvatwand waardoor de binnenkant van de bloedvaatwand losraakt van het buitenste deel van de bloedvatwand. Dit kan zorgen voor problemen van de bloedstroom door dit bloedvat. Hoe wordt een dissectie ook wel genoemd? Het bloedvat in de hals aan de voorzijde wordt de carotis genoemd.

What are the symptoms of a blocked vertebral artery?

dizziness or vertigo.

  • sudden,unexplained falls that occur without loss of consciousness (known as “drop attacks”)
  • sudden,severe weakness in the legs that can cause falls.
  • trouble seeing in one or both eyes,including blurred or double vision.
  • What is the prognosis of basilar artery thrombosis?

    The clinical presentation of basilar artery occlusion (BAO) ranges from mild transient symptoms to devastating strokes with high fatality and morbidity. Often, non-specific prodromal symptoms such as vertigo or headaches are indicative of BAO, and are followed by the hallmarks of BAO, including decreased consciousness, quadriparesis, pupillary and oculomotor abnormalities, dysarthria, and dysphagia.

    What is the function of the vertebral artery?

    Function. The vertebral artery delivers blood to the neck’s vertebrae, upper spinal column, the space around the outside of the skull. It also supplies blood to two very important regions of the brain: the posterior fossa and the occipital lobes. The posterior fossa is the small space in the skull near the brain stem and cerebellum, which are

    Is vertebrobasilar insufficiency dangerous?

    Vertebrobasilar insufficiency refers to a condition in which blood flow to the vertebral and basilar arteries is restricted, thereby providing transient insufficient blood flow to the posterior portions of the brain. This condition is typically very serious and can even be deadly.