Wat gebeurt er als de hypofyse schildklier stimulerend hormoon produceert?
Hormonen aangemaakt door de hypofyse voorkwab Thyroid (schildklier) stimulerend hormoon. TSH regelt de productie van schildklierhormoon (T4, en in mindere mate T3) door de schildklier. Adrenocorticotroop (bijnier) stimulerend hormoon. ACTH regelt de productie van bijnierschorshormoon (cortisol) door de bijnieren.
Heeft de hypofyse invloed op de schildklier?
De hypofyse produceert een aantal hormonen die de functie van andere klieren reguleren. Zo regelt de hypofyse de werking van de schildklier, de bijnieren, de geslachtsorganen (teelballen danwel eierstokken) en is het betrokken bij groei, melkproductie en waterhuishouding.
What is hypopituitarism?
Hypopituitarism is when you have a short supply (deficiency) of one or more of the pituitary hormones. These hormone deficiencies can affect any number of your body’s routine functions, such as growth, blood pressure or reproduction.
What is the prognosis of hypopituitarism?
However, in most cases of hypopituitarism hormone deficiencies are permanent and treatment is aimed at optimizing hormone replacement with hormones of the target glands, similar to treatment of primary deficiencies of the target glands themselves.
What should a patient with hypopituitarism carry with them?
Patients with hypopituitarism should carry some form of identification of their medical problems with them. This can be in the form of a bracelet to be worn on the wrist or a necklace. For emergency purposes, patients may also need to carry a vial of hydrocortisone 100 mg and a syringe at home and while traveling.
What are the signs and symptoms of hypopituitarism in Sellar mass?
Inflammatory lesions affecting the pituitary or hypothalamus may present with hypopituitarism or with symptoms directly caused by the sellar mass such as headache, ophthalmoplegia, and visual field defects.