Wat betekent het woord Hex?

Wat betekent het woord Hex?

Afkorting van ‘hexadecimaal’: het zestientallig rekensysteem, dat in de wereld van computers vaak gebruikt wordt.

Welk woord begint met Hex?


  • hexameron ∙
  • hexameter ∙
  • Hexapodie.
  • hexastyle ∙
  • hexateuch.
  • What is the meaning of hexa-?

    Hexa- comes from the Greek héx, meaning “six.” The Latin for “six” is sex, source of the combining forms sex- and sexi-, which you can learn more about at our Words That Use articles for the terms. And we know what you’re thinking: the Latin sex has no relation to that common English meaning of sex. What are variants of hexa-?

    What does the prefix hex mean in math?

    The prefix “hexa-” originally means six, it’s “hexadecim-” that means sixteen. (Latin and greek had constructions similar to English for numbers between 13 and 19.) In computer-related usage, base 16 is very common, so the prefix for 16 has come to be systematically abbreviated “hex-” or “hexa-”.

    Why is the number 16 abbreviated as Hex?

    The prefix “hexa-” originally means six, it’s “hexadecim-” that means sixteen. (Latin and greek had constructions similar to English for numbers between 13 and 19.) In computer-related usage, base 16 is very common, so the prefix for 16 has come to be systematically abbreviated “hex-” or “hexa-”. Since base 6 is never used, there’s no ambiguity.

    What is the meaning of hexadecimal 6?

    4 Answers 4. Hexa- is the Greek prefix for the number six, from hex, “six”; cf. hexagon, hexameter, hexad, etc. Decimus is the Latin ordinal number “tenth”; cf. decimate, decimal. This hybrid construction hexadecimal is strange but often seen in English to mean “sixteenth” or “pertaining to sixteen”.

    Wat is de binaire notering voor het hexadecimale AD?

    Met een binair getal van vier bits kunnen de getallen 0 t/m 15 worden weergegeven, dus juist een hexadecimaal getal bestaande uit één (hexadecimaal) cijfer.

    Wat betekent hexadecimaal talstelsel?

    Hexadecimaal betekent letterlijk 16-tallig. Het is een talstelsel waarbij niet, zoals gebruikelijk, met tien cijfers wordt gewerkt, maar met zestien cijfers. De cijfers 0 t/m 9 worden daarom uitgebreid met A t/m F.