Waar wordt amiodaron voor gebruikt?

Waar wordt amiodaron voor gebruikt?

Amiodaron laat het hart langzamer en regelmatiger kloppen. Bij hartritmestoornissen, bijvoorbeeld boezemfibrilleren. Ook om ritmestoornissen te voorkomen. De tabletten doorslikken met een half glas water bij de maaltijd.

Can atropine be used to treat beta blocker-induced hypotension?

The AHA has removed all indications for atropine in the pulseless patient. Atropine is not indicated in beta-blocker-induced bradycardias or hypotension, though its use is unlikely to be harmful. Glucagon is the first line to treat beta-blockade-induced symptoms.

What is atropine and how does it work?

First, let’s look at atropine and how it works. Atropine increases the firing of the sinoatrial node (atria) and conduction through the atrioventricular node (AV) of the heart by blocking the action of the vagus nerve.

What are the indications for atropine?

Atropine is only useful to counter muscarinic effects (pralidoxime and benzodiazepines act on the others). If there are local symptoms to the eyes or respiratory tract, atropine is not indicated. Intravenous (IV) atropine indications include patients with hypersalivation, bronchial secretions, or bradycardia.

Can atropine be used for bradycardia caused by hypothermia?

Atropine should be avoided with bradycardia caused by hypothermia and, in most cases, it will not be effective for Mobitz type II/Second-degree block type 2 or complete heart block. You may have read that atropine is not effective for Mobitz II (2nd-degree block type II) and complete heart block (3rd-degree block)

Hoe lang werkt Tambocor?

Kinetische gegevens

Resorptie snel.
F ca. 90% (tablet), > 75% (capsule mga).
T max 21–25 uur (capsule mga).
V d 8,3 l/kg.
Overig Therapeutische plasmaspiegel: 0,2–1 mg/l.