Waar woont Yayoi Kusama?
Voor de Japanse kunstenaar Yayoi Kusama zijn haar stippen de enige manier om in leven te blijven. Iedere ochtend loopt Yayoi Kusama vanuit de psychiatrische inrichting in Tokyo, waar ze sinds 1977 vrijwillig woont, naar haar atelier aan de overkant.
Welk materiaal gebruikt Yayoi Kusama?
In dit werk maakt Kusama voor het eerst gebruik van spiegels. Dit materiaal blijft zij haar hele leven gebruiken. Net als haar zogenaamde ‘dots’ en ‘infinity nets’ vormen spiegels een essentieel aspect van Kusama’s oeuvre.
Wat maakt Yayoi Kusama?
KUSAMA Yayoi 草間彌生 is geboren op 22 maart 1929 in Matsumoto in de prefectuur Nagano in Japan. Kusama is een Japanse avant-garde kunstenaar die zich toespitst op schilderen, beeldhouwen en installaties. Verder maakte ze ook films, organiseerde ze happenings, schreef ze o.a. poëzie, romans, etc. .
Hoe oud is Yayoi Kusama?
93 jaar (22 maart 1929)Yayoi Kusama / Leeftijd
How many Infinity Mirror rooms has Yayoi Kusama created?
Until today, Kusama has produced more than 20 different Infinity Mirror Rooms. Some of them are in permanent exhibition: I nfinity Mirror Room – Longing for eternity (2017), The Broad, Los Angeles, California
Why did Yayoi Kusama use mirrors in her art?
By using the mirrors, she could transform the intense repetition of her earlier works on paper and walls into a perceptual experience, more than this, into an immersion experience within the work of art. Until today, Kusama has produced more than 20 different Infinity Mirror Rooms.
How did Yayoi Kusama change the world?
Yayoi Kusama had a breakthrough in 1965 when she produced Infinity Mirror Room—Phalli’s Field. Using mirrors, she transformed the intense repetition of her earlier paintings and works on paper into a perceptual experience.
What is Kusama’s Infinity Net?
She called them infinity nets and explained that they were taken from her hallucinations. After living in Tokyo and in France, Kusama moved to United States at the age of 27. There she worked in her Infinity/Mirror installations.