Waar kan je Dunkin donuts kopen?

Waar kan je Dunkin donuts kopen?

Bestel Donuts Online!

  • Dunkin Aalsmeer Loogman. Aalsmeerderweg 497, Aalsmeer.
  • Almere Stationsstraat. Stationsstraat 26, Almere.
  • Amstelveen Binnenhof. Binnenhof 71, Amstelveen.
  • Amsterdam CS. Stationsplein 1e, Amsterdam.
  • Arena Amsterdam Boulevard.
  • Beethovenstraat Amsterdam.
  • Damstraat Amsterdam.
  • Ferdinandbolstraat Amsterdam.

Is hazelnut swirl gone from Dunkin Donuts?

In recent months, other Redditors have shared warning signs that Hazelnut Swirl could be going away. On January 15, a member of the DunkinDonuts subreddit claimed that the flavor was “officially gone in North Georgia.” Back in December, another said, “My local Dunkin told me the hazelnut swirl is discontinued, and they only do the flavor shot now.”

What is the difference between Dunkin Donuts hazelnut shot and regular?

The Hazelnut shot is not mentioned. The difference, as Dunkin’ clarifies on its website, is that the shots are unsweetened and non-dairy. On its own, the Hazelnut shot might fail to appease fans of the sweeter swirl.

Is the Dunkin’Donuts hazelnut shot being discontinued?

For one thing, the announcement shared on Reddit explicitly states that it is the Hazelnut Swirl that will be discontinued. The Hazelnut shot is not mentioned. The difference, as Dunkin’ clarifies on its website, is that the shots are unsweetened and non-dairy. On its own, the Hazelnut shot might fail to appease fans of the sweeter swirl.

Does Dunkin Donuts have frozen hot chocolate?

Dunkin Donuts’ frozen hot chocolate is incredible on its own, and I highly recommend trying if you haven’t! For the Nutella frozen hot chocolate, order a frozen hot chocolate with a hazelnut flavor swirl, and whipped cream. I personally really don’t love whipped cream, so I skip it. But, by all means, get the full experience!