Is Polydextrose gezond?

Is Polydextrose gezond?

Polydextrose is veilig in gebruik en wordt veel beter getolereerd dan natuurlijke oplosbare vezels zoals inuline en oligosachariden (cichorei), resistente maltodextrine (maïsvezels) of isomaltooligosachariden (tapiocavezels).

Wat is het verschil tussen koolhydraten en glucose?

Glucose is een koolhydraat. Er zijn meerdere soorten koolhydraten. Ze bestaan uit 1 suikermolecuul (monosachariden), 2 suikermoleculen (disacharide) of meerdere suikermoleculen (polysacharide). Glucose bestaat uit 1 suikermolecuul en is dus een monosacharide.

Hoeveel suiker in druivensuiker?

1 stuk (3 gram) druivensuiker bevat:

Energie 11 kcal
– waarvan verzadigd 0 g
Koolhydraten 2,7 g
– waarvan suikers 2,7 g
Vezels 0 g

What is polydextrose?

Polydextrose is a synthetic food additive. Acting as as a bulking agent to enhance the taste of reduced-calorie foods, polydextrose is commonly used as a substitute for sugar, starch and fat in many commercial food products.

Is polydextrose safe to eat?

Polydextrose is LIKELY SAFE when used as a food additive, provided a serving contains less than 15 grams of polydextrose. Polydextrose is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by mouth in doses of less than 50 grams per day. Polydextrose can cause intestinal gas ( flatulence ), bloating, stomachcramps, and diarrhea.

What is the number of glucosidic linkages in polydextrose?

The 1,6-glucosidic linkage predominates in the polymer but α- and β-1,2; 1,3; 1,4 linkages are also present. Polydextrose is a multi-purpose food ingredient used to replace sugar, fat and calories and to increase fiber content of foods; it also functions as a stabilizer, bulking agent and to help maintain the ideal moisture in a food.

Does polydextrose affect blood sugar levels?

Polydextrose is a carbohydrate, but since it passes through the intestine with minimal absorption, it has little effect on blood-sugar levels. Polydextrose has shown benefits in the control of blood-sugar levels when used in the diets of those with type 2 diabetes 2.