Hoe lang moet je zoladex gebruiken?

Hoe lang moet je zoladex gebruiken?

Afhankelijk van de reden waarvoor u het gebruikt, kunt u gosereline gedurende enkele maanden tot jaren gebruiken: Bij endometriose en vleesboom: maximaal 6 maanden. Bij prostaatkanker en borstkanker: zo lang als nodig is.

Hoe werkt zoladex?

Zoladex®, met de werkzame stof gosereline-acetaat, is een geneesmiddel dat de productie van het mannelijk hormoon testosteron remt. Het middel stopt namelijk de prikkels vanuit de hypofyse, waardoor de zaadballen niet meer gestimuleerd worden om testosteron te produceren.

What is Lupron Injection?

What Is Lupron Injection? Lupron Injection (leuprolide acetate) is a synthetic gonadotropin -releasing hormone used in men to treat symptoms of prostate cancer, and in women to treat symptoms of endometriosis (overgrowth of uterine lining outside of the uterus) or uterine fibroids.

How long can you take Lupron Depot?

Indications and Usage for Lupron Depot. Lupron Depot 7.5 mg for 1-month administration, 22.5 mg for 3-month administration, 30 mg for 4-month administration, and 45 mg for 6-month administration (leuprolide acetate) are indicated in the palliative treatment of advanced prostatic cancer.

Does Lupron Injection (leuprolide acetate) have side effects?

Our Lupron Injection (leuprolide acetate) Side Effects Drug Center provides a comprehensive view of available drug information on the potential side effects when taking this medication. This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects.

How do you reconstitute Lupron Depot?

Reconstitution and Administration for Injection of Lupron Depot. Reconstitute and administer the lyophilized microspheres as a single intramuscular injection. Inject the suspension immediately or discard if not used within two hours, because Lupron Depot does not contain a preservative. Visually inspect the Lupron Depot powder.