Hoe lang heb je last van wintertenen?

Hoe lang heb je last van wintertenen?

Winterhanden of wintertenen gaan vaak binnen enkele weken vanzelf over. Het is niet te voorspellen of de klachten snel zullen verdwijnen. Het kan ook zijn dat de klachten gedurende de hele winter blijven en daarna elk jaar in de winter terugkomen. Bij kinderen verdwijnen de klachten meestal na een paar jaar.

Heb ik wintertenen?

Als je wintertenen hebt, krijg je bij (extreme) kou pijnlijke, soms gezwollen tenen die rood of paarsblauw van kleur worden. In plaats van pijnlijk kan je huid ook jeukend, branderig of tintelend aanvoelen. Er kunnen ook blaren, wondjes en zweertjes ontstaan, bijvoorbeeld als je krabt tegen de jeuk.

What is the prognosis of pernio?

Most cases of pernio resolve within 2-3 weeks. Elicit a history of cold exposure or repeated episodes of cold exposure. Pertinent findings in pernio are limited to the skin. Cutaneous pernio lesions present 12-24 hours after cold exposure as red or violaceous macules, papules, nodules, or plaques, which may form vesicles or ulcerate.

What are the signs and symptoms of pernio?

Most patients with pernio present with a history of recurrent painful and/or pruritic, erythematous, violaceous papules or nodules on the fingers and/or toes. Most cases of pernio resolve within 2-3 weeks. Elicit a history of cold exposure or repeated episodes of cold exposure. Pertinent findings in pernio are limited to the skin.

What are the clinical grounds for the diagnosis of pernio?

The diagnosis of pernio can often be made on clinical grounds. Patients typically report the development of tender, pruritic, and/or painful digits following exposure to nonfreezing cold, damp conditions. The dorsal surfaces of the toes and fingers are the most common sites, but the ear, nose, thighs, or buttocks may also be affected.

What is the most common cause of pernio?

Pernio is more common in females and most often occurs in those aged 15-30 years, although it has also been reported in children and the elderly. Low body mass index (<25 percentile) is often reported. Exposure to cold but not freezing, humid conditions triggers flares. What is the Cause of the Disease? The exact etiology of pernio is not known.