Hoe kan ik avi-bestanden afspelen?

Hoe kan ik avi-bestanden afspelen?

Als je nu tijdens het lezen denkt dit wordt mij allemaal veel te ingewikkeld ik wil eigenlijk zo snel mogelijk mijn filmpje afspelen, stop dan met lezen en download VLC Media Player, deze player vinden wij persoonlijk verreweg de beste media-player in omloop het speelt namelijk direct 95% van alle video’s af die in …

Hoe avi omzetten naar MP4?

Converteren van AVI naar MP4 met Movavi Video Converter op Windows en Mac

  1. Stap 1. Installeer Movavi Video Converter.
  2. Stap 2. Upload AVI-bestanden naar de converter.
  3. Stap 3. Selecteer het uitvoerformaat.
  4. Stap 4. Comprimeer je bestanden (optioneel)
  5. Stap 5. Start de conversie.

Can QuickTime play AVI files?

QuickTime, a popular media player developed by Apple Inc, can stream video formatted with MOV, MP4, M4V, etc. BTW, QuickTime only can play partial AVI file with Motion JPEG video. In other words, to play all sorts of AVI videos on QuickTime, you need to convert AVI to MOV to be compatible with QuickTime.

Which version of QuickTime is compatible with Mac OS X?

Each Mac OS X version has a different version of QT embedded structure, and each one only supports playing a small number of video & audio codecs to be compatible with that operating system. In Mac OS X v10. 6 and newer, since the QuickTime X.

How do I play Anavi file with QuickTime Player?

In my experience, .avi files are generally playable with QuickTime Player. If it is playable, after QuickTime Player opens the file, I can select the Export command (under the File menu) and convert it to different “QuickTime” formats and resolutions, such as .m4v and .mov. Note: I’m using QuickTime Player 10.1 under Mac OS X Lion.

How to play AVI files on Mac?

If you don’t want to convert AVI file to a QuickTime format, nor download the earlier version of QuickTime 7, another solution for native AVI playback on Mac is to use something like VLC media player. VLC player is a cross platform application that works for Windows, Mac OS X, Ubuntu, Android and iOS.