Welke merken passen op Isofix?

Welke merken passen op Isofix?

De Isofix-base kan worden gebruikt voor de Maxi Cosi autostoeltjes Pebble, Cabriofix en Pearl. Dit zijn de oudere modellen Maxi Cosi’s . Hierdoor kan de base in 2 fases gebruikt worden: van 0-13 kg met de Cabriofix en Pebble, en van 9-18 kg met de Pearl autostoel.

Hoe belangrijk is Isofix?

Een autostoeltje met Isofix zet je makkelijker vast in de auto. De kans is veel groter dat je het autostoeltje goed vastzet. Controleer wel altijd of je het stoeltje goed hebt vastgeklikt. Ze zijn over het algemeen veiliger, omdat het autostoeltje direct aan de auto vast zit.

What is ISOFIX on a car?

ISOFIX refers to the two metal bars that are welded directly onto Your car’s chassis. In some cars they are highly visible and in others they are concealed. This depends on which car seat You have.

Does the Ford EcoSport have Isofix?

Does the ford ecosport have isofix? The ecosport is designed to help keep young children safe and secure on every journey. it comes with rear isofix child seat attachment points, so you can easily fit two child seats. isofix refers to the two metal bars that are welded directly onto your car’s chassis.

Do I need an isofixbase for my Car Seat?

In short, if Your car seat has the option to fit in with a seat belt then no, You don’t need an ISOFIxBase.So why Isofix then Independent tests show that Isofix mounted seats are extremely safe. Rather than relying on a belt, the car seat is fixed directly to the base of the vehicle seat.

How do I know if my vehicle has ISOFIX points?

An additional top tether or support leg is used to prevent the restraint from tilting or rotating in an impact. To find out if your vehicle has ISOFIX points, check your vehicle’s Owner Guide. ISOFIX child restraints can be identified by the following symbol. This symbol indicates the top tether anchor points in your vehicle.