Wat wordt er bedoeld met enterale toediening van medicatie?

Wat wordt er bedoeld met enterale toediening van medicatie?

De toediening kan grofweg worden ingedeeld in drie groepen: topisch (lokaal/plaatselijk), enteraal (via het maag-darmkanaal) en parenteraal (door injectie of infuus).

Wat is het verschil tussen Enteraal en parenteraal?

Parenteraal is de toedieningsvorm van geneesmiddelen of voeding anders dan via het maag-darmstelsel (enteraal). Parenterale toedieningsvormen zijn bijvoorbeeld: injectie (subcutaan, intradermaal, intramusculair) infuus (intraveneus) in de aders.

Welk medicijn wordt parenteraal toegediend?

Parenterale toedieningsvormen zijn bijvoorbeeld: injectie (subcutaan, intradermaal, intramusculair) infuus (intraveneus) in de aders. transdermaal (fentanylpleister)

What is the parenteral route of Drug Administration?

1. Parenteral route of drug administration is the route of choice for drugs that have poor absorption in the GIT and drugs like insulin which are unstable in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and/or that are unstable in the GIT (e.g. insulin, heparin).

What are the different types of parenteral routes?

The most important and most frequently used parenteral routes are intravenous route (IV), intramuscular route (IM), and subcutaneous route (SC). Other less frequent routes (specialized parenteral routes) are summarized below.

What are the disadvantages of parenteral route of Drug Administration?

Major drawbacks of parenteral administration are as follows: 1. Drug administration by these routes is irreversible and poses more risks than the other routes 2. It is an invasive route of drug administration and thus, it can cause fear, pain, tissue damage, and/or infections.

What are the 5 routes of Drug Administration?

What are the 5 routes of drug administration? What are the 5 routes of drug administration? For small therapeutic molecules, various routes for drug administration are parenteral (intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous), oral, nasal, ocular, transmucosal (buccal, vaginal, and rectal), and transdermal.