Wat verdient een politieagent in Amerika?

Wat verdient een politieagent in Amerika?

Veelgestelde vragen over salarissen voor een Agent Het gemiddelde salaris voor een Agent in regio New York, Verenigde Staten is US$ 55.223 per jaar.

Wat verdient een beveiligingsbeambte?

Een Beveiliger in Nederland verdient gemiddeld € 2.115 bruto per maand. Salarissen variëren van € 1.800 (laag) tot € 2.435 (hoog). Op deze pagina vind je een gedetailleerd overzicht van de gemiddelde brutolonen per stad, opleidingsniveau, provincie, carrièreniveau, bedrijf en dienstverband.

What is the Illinois State Police Fast Track program 2020-07?

On April 1, Governor Pritzker continued and extended Executive Order 2020-07 through April 30, 2020. The Illinois State Police (ISP) is re-instituting the “Fast Track” Program that provides an opportunity for certified police officers to become Illinois State Troopers through participation in an accelerated training program.

What does the Illinois State Police do?

Recruitment. Since its inception, the Illinois State Police has fostered and served with a reputation for integrity, service and pride. Illinois State Police functions include protecting life and property, enforcing both criminal laws and motor vehicle safety laws, responding to emergencies and disasters and providing a myriad…

Who is the new executive director of the Illinois State Police?

“Springfield, Illinois (October 19, 2021) – At its 4th Quarter Merit Board Meeting on October 19, 2021, the Illinois State Police Merit Board Members voted unanimously to appoint Ms. Emily E. Fox as the Executive Director of the Illinois State Police Merit Board, effective October 1, 2021.”

What is the Illinois State Police Merit Board cadet class?

The Illinois State Police Merit Board is processing applications for Cadet Class 137 and 138. Cadet Class 137 is scheduled to begin in June 2022. Cadet Class 138 is scheduled to begin in October 2022. BOTH CLASSES HAVE POTENTIAL TO INCLUDE FAST TRACK AND NON-FAST TRACK APPLICANTS.