Wat kan je drinken met Invisalign?

Wat kan je drinken met Invisalign?

De hele dag koffie en thee drinken kan je Invisalign aligners doen verkleuren. De enige drank die je mag drinken terwijl je de beugel in hebt is water. Als je iets anders dan water drinkt, zoals frisdrank en sapjes, dan is het aan te raden om de doorzichtige beugel ook uit te nemen.

Wat zijn attachments Invisalign?

Attachments. Attachments zijn kleine, tandkleurige lijmbolletjes die op uw tanden worden geplaatst. Deze attachments zijn bedacht door invisalign om extra drukpunten te verkrijgen voor de beugel. Bij iedereen die kiest voor een invisalign behandeling, worden attachments geplaatst.

How do I take care of my Invisalign trays?

Do take your Invisalign trays out each morning and clean both your teeth and the trays very thoroughly. Because bacteria can build up on the trays while you sleep during the night, establishing that morning routine is very important for your oral hygiene.

How long do you wear Invisalign trays for?

Each tray is to be worn two weeks. You are supposed to keep ALL the trays, because if you lose one the dentist will either have you go back a tray or forward a tray. It takes Invisalign 2 weeks to make a new tray, so you are stuck with what they’ve originally sent you. The first few days are the ABSOLUTE worst. It gets better! I promise!

What should I avoid while wearing Invisalign?

Invisalign aligners are not built to support the pressure of eating. Don’t use toothpaste or soaps that are colored or scented soaps to clean your Invisalign trays. Finally, avoid using toothpaste or any colored or scented soaps because they can leave residue on your Invisalign trays and cause discoloration.

Can an Invisalign tray be used as a retainer?

Several Invisalign patients make the wrongful assumption that their final Invisalign tray can serve as a retainer in order to save time, money, or physical appearances. This cannot work due to the fact that the trays are not made for long term wear and can become weakened over time.