Wat is het verschil tussen DirectX 11 en 12?
Nieuwe versies van DirectX vereisen soms nieuwe hardware, maar huidige DX 11-gpu’s zijn in de regel allemaal compatibel met DX 12. Het grootste verschil tussen twee versies van DirectX zit bij de ontwikkelaars. Zij moeten de nieuwe API omarmen en de nieuwe mogelijkheden efficiënt benutten.
Hoe kun je zien welke DirectX je hebt?
Welke versie van DirectX staat er op uw pc?
- Voer in het zoekvak op de taakbalk dxdiag in. Selecteer vervolgens opdracht Uitvoeren van dxdiag.
- Selecteer in het diagnostisch hulpprogramma voor DirectX het tabblad systeem en controleer de versie van DirectX onder systeeminformatie.
What is DirectX?
DirectX, simply put, is software developed by Microsoft that talks to a PC’s hardware components. Specifically, it’s a collection of application programming interfaces, or APIs, designed to handle tasks related to rendering 2D and 3D vector graphics, rendering video and playing audio on the Windows platform. Nvidia:…
What version of DirectX do I have Windows 10?
Many games and graphics applications require a particular version of DirectX to run properly. Windows 10 and Windows 11 have DirectX 12 (Ultimate). What DirectX Do I Have? – How to Check DirectX Version Before DirectX update, you can first figure out the DirectX version on your Windows computer.
What are the downsides of DirectX?
The drawback with DirectX before this latest release is that it still didn’t provide “low-level” access to hardware components as seen with the consoles. To address this, AMD released its Mantle API suite, so that developers could better optimize their software for AMD chips.
What is DirectX 12 and why should you care?
The beauty of DirectX 12 is that it’s a native API of Windows 10. In turn, Windows 10 is used on a multitude of devices from desktops, to laptops, to tablets, to phones and even on the Xbox One.