Wat doet een Oxygen sensor?
De lambdasonde meet het zuurstofgehalte in de uitlaatgassen. De signalen die de lambda afgeeft, worden door het computersysteem ECU gebruikt om de ideale verhouding tussen brandstof en lucht te meten en samen te stellen; de brandstof verhouding dus.
Waar zit de Lambda sensor?
De lambdasonde bevindt zich in het uitlaatspruitstuk in de nabijheid van de motor, terwijl auto’s met EOBD II (Europese voertuigen na 2001) ook een tweede sensor achter elke katalysator hebben, met als doel de prestaties van de katalysator te meten.
What is the difference between oxygen sensors and air fuel ratio sensors?
In the early 00’s conventional oxygen sensors gave way to more precise air fuel ratio sensors, although they are still referred to as ‘oxygen sensors’ or O2 sensors. The air fuel ratio (A/F) sensor measures oxygen content of the exhaust in a wider range.
What is a wideband O2 sensor?
A wideband O2 sensor or A/F sensor is essentially a smarter oxygen sensor with some additional internal circuitry that allows it to precisely determine the exact air/fuel ratio of the engine.
What is an A/F sensor on a car?
The air fuel ratio (A/F) sensor measures oxygen content of the exhaust in a wider range. It is also known as the “broadband lambda sensor” or “lambda probe.” The air fuel ratio sensor is installed in the exhaust manifold or in the front exhaust pipe, before the catalytic converter.
What is the voltage of the O2 sensor on a car?
The resistor is typically 30 to 300 ohms. The PCM supplied reference voltage is 2.4 to 2.6 volts. * If a O2 sensor, wideband O2 sensor or A/F sensor has failed because of coolant contamination, do not replace the sensor until the leaky head gasket or cylinder head has been replaced.
What does the O2 sensor do on a Honda Accord?
Your Accord’s oxygen sensors are responsible for helping to keep your engine running at optimal efficiency. The engine management computer uses the data from all of the O2 sensors to keep the air/fuel mixture optimized. A bad oxygen sensor can affect the mixture greatly.
How do I know if my O2 sensor needs replacing?
If you notice a decline in fuel economy or a rougher idle, chances are your O2 sensor needs replacing. Follow these steps to easily DIY. This article applies to the Honda Accord (1990-2002).
What does the oxygen sensor do on a car?
The oxygen sensor measures how much unburned oxygen is in the exhaust as it exits the engine. It also tells the onboard computer whether the fuel mixture is rich, lean, or well-balanced. Testing your oxygen sensor can take some expertise, but replacing it is straightforward. Visit a repair shop if you need help diagnosing or replacing the sensor.
What causes a Honda Accord to fail an emissions test?
You’ll go to get an emissions check done, and your Accord fails the test. Without a check engine light, it can be tough to lock down exactly what would cause the vehicle to fail, but oxygen sensors are one of the more common causes. There may or may not be any noticeable symptoms when your Honda Accord’s oxygen sensor (s) go bad.