Waar woont Norman Reedus?
Zo heeft Norman in veel steden gewoond voor hij zich settelde in Los Angeles. Ook heeft hij in Japan, Engeland en Spanje gewoond. Hij had een relatie met Helena Christensen van 1998 tot 2003, met wie hij een zoon heeft.
Wie speelt Daryl Dixon?
Norman ReedusDaryl Dixon / Ingesproken door
Waar gaat Death stranding over?
Het verhaal volgt Sam Bridges (gespeeld door Norman Reedus), een koerier die voorraden moet leveren aan de opgebroken en geïsoleerde overgebleven kolonies, om ze opnieuw te verbinden via een draadloos communicatienetwerk.
What video games has Norman Reedus been in?
Video games. Reedus reprised his role as Daryl Dixon in the 2013 video game The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, which is based on the television series. He was set to star in Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro’s reboot horror game Silent Hills, but Kojima left Konami and the game was cancelled in 2015.
How old is Norman Reedus from the Walking Dead?
Norman Mark Reedus (born January 6, 1969) is an American actor, voice actor, television host, and model. He is known for starring in the popular AMC horror drama series The Walking Dead as Daryl Dixon and in the film The Boondock Saints (1999) and its sequel The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day (2009) as Murphy MacManus.
Is Norman Reedus in Death Stranding or Silent Hills?
Reedus reprised his role as Daryl Dixon in the 2013 video game The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, which is based on the television series. He was set to star in Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro ’s reboot horror game Silent Hills, but Kojima left Konami and the game was cancelled in 2015. Reedus starred in Kojima’s new game Death Stranding.
What did Norman Reedus play in The Boondock Saints?
Reedus played Murphy MacManus in the 1999 film The Boondock Saints. He reprised the role in the 2009 sequel The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day. He played Scud in Blade II. He guest-starred in Charmed as Nate, the boyfriend of Paige (Rose McGowan).