Waar woont Josephine Rombouts?

Waar woont Josephine Rombouts?

Josephine Rombouts woont in Middelburg met haar man en twee zonen, maar voor interviews spreekt ze graag af in Den Haag, de stad waar ze is opgegroeid. In café-restaurant Schlemmer kijkt ze goedkeurend om zich heen.

Waarom zijn er zoveel kastelen in Schotland?

In de loop der eeuwen zijn er op verschillende plekken in Schotland uiteenlopende kastelen gebouwd. Soms vooral functioneel, soms vooral om rijkdom te tonen, maar vrijwel altijd indrukwekkend. Een aantal van deze kastelen hebben de tand des tijds prima doorstaan en zijn tegenwoordig als museum te bezoeken.

What should you know about Edinburgh Castle before you visit?

For the best experience at Edinburgh Castle, here are the things you should know before you go. Edinburgh Castle sits upon Castle Rock, the end result of a volcano that erupted here many millennia ago. There is evidence of people living on top of Castle Rock since the Bronze Age, almost 3000 years ago.

What happened to Edinburgh Castle in 1296?

In the year 1296 the notoriously ruthless English king Edward I invaded Scotland and made a bee-line for Edinburgh Castle. After a short three-day siege the castle was captured and a large garrison of 350 knights assembled to protect it. Master craftsmen were brought in from Wales in order to bolster the castle’s defences.

What was the Lang Siege of Edinburgh Castle?

Beginning in May 1571, the Lang Siege was a series of attacks on Edinburgh Castle which would span two years and render the ancient fortress to rubble. Government forces besieged the castle several times in quick succession after the garrison declared support for the deposed Mary Queen of Scots.

What is eded Edinburgh Castle?

Edinburgh Castle sits upon Castle Rock, the end result of a volcano that erupted here many millennia ago. There is evidence of people living on top of Castle Rock since the Bronze Age, almost 3000 years ago.