Waar koop ik Avery etiketten?
Wilt u het product online kopen? Ga dan naar het Avery product dat u nodig heeft en klik de rode knop Koop Online. Wanneer u gebruikt maakt van onze extra services, dan bestelt u gewoon direct online. Ontdek ons aanbod ‘Onbedrukte etiketvellen’ of onze ‘Print Shop’.
Hoe druk ik etiketten af vanuit Excel?
Ga naar Verzendlijsten >Documenten & samenvoegen > afdrukken. Tip: Als u elk label afzonderlijk wilt bekijken en bijwerken voordat u afdrukt, gaat u naar Verzendlijsten > Voltooien & Samenvoegen > Afzonderlijke documenten bewerken. Wanneer u klaar bent, gaat u naar Bestand > Afdrukken.
What is the size of the Avery Sticker Paper?
The versatile sticker paper can be used with most electric die-cutting machines, and is optimized for inkjet printers. Easily customize your labels using the free templates and designs from Avery design & print Avery AVERY 9.6 ounces 12.09 x 9.44 x 0.23 inches 3383 White Paper 1 44383 Would you like to tell us about a lower price?
What can you do with Avery Sticker Paper?
With Avery sticker paper, magnet sheets and pre die-cut labels in a variety of round, oval and square shapes you can easily design and print the project you’ve dreamed of. Let your imagination take over by creating your own unique custom shapes and sizes using full-sheet sticker paper.
Why is my Avery Sticker Paper wrinkly?
Because the paper is thin (you know, paper), flatting the pages can easily lead to wrinkles as well. The 20 pack, Avery Sticker Project Paper, 8-1/2 x 11 Inches, Pack of 20 (44383) (and possibly other package sizes) alleviates this issue by having an external cardboard shell surrounding the paper.
Are Avery labels waterproof?
Avery UltraDuty® chemical labels are industrial-strength waterproof labels made for the toughest of jobs. But if you don’t need extreme strength, shop our durable, waterproof films that come in both white and clear finishes and stand up to oils and moisture.