Hoe kan je niet dood gaan in GTA?

Hoe kan je niet dood gaan in GTA?

Dat zijn alle GTA 5 cheats die je volgens ons het beste kan gebruiken tijdens het spelen van GTA 5….1. De parachute zorgt ervoor dat je niet dood ter pletter valt.

PS4 / PS3 Links, Rechts, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, Links, Links, Rechts, L1
Xbox 360 / Xbox One Links, Rechts, LB, LT, RB, RT, RT, Links, Links, Rechts, LB

Hoe krijg je een helikopter op GTA 5?

Er verschijnt een Buzzard helikopter voor je.

  1. PS5 / PS4 / PS3 – O, O, L1, O, O, O, L1, L2, R1, Driehoekje, O, Driehoekje.
  2. Xbox Series X/S / Xbox One / Xbox 360 – B, B, LB, B,B,B,LB, LT, RB, Y, B, Y.
  3. PC – BUZZOFF.
  4. Telefoonnummer – 1-999-289-9633.

What is the cheat code for helicopter in GTA Vice City?

– Blurtit What Is The Cheat Code For Helicopter In GTA Vice City? There is no specific cheat code for obtaining a helicopter on Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. However there is a number of ways in which you can obtain some of the better helicopters that are available to use in the game.

How to get a hunter helicopter in GTA 5 online?

There, a hunter helicopter should be right in front of you. An easier way to obtain the hunter helicopter is to use the ‘pedestrians’ riot’ cheat. The code is: Down, Left, Up, Left, X, R2, R1, L2, L1. You can walk right in regardless of what you’re wearing as the soldiers will be shooting at each other.

How to spawn the Buzzard attack helicopter in GTA 5?

With this cheat, you’ll spawn one of these bad boys and make it rain…missiles that is. On PlayStation 3, press Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle Now you know how to spawn the Buzzard Attack helicopter in GTA 5!

What is the cheat code for cars in GTA San Andreas?

GTA San Andreas vehicles cheat codes. ROCKETMAN – Spawn a Jetpack. IWPRTON – Spawn a Rhino. OLDSPEEDDEMON – Spawn a Bloodring Banger. JQNTDMH – Spawn a Rancher. VROCKPOKEY – Spawn a hotring racer. VPJTQWV – Spawn a Racecar. WHERESTHEFUNERAL – Spawn a Romero hearse. CELEBRITYSTATUS – Spawn a Stretch.