Welk voedsel is rijk aan vitamine D?
Zonlicht is de belangrijkste bron van vitamine D. Het lichaam kan onder invloed van zonlicht in de huid vitamine D zelf aanmaken. Vitamine D zit ook in eten: vooral in vette vis, en met wat lagere gehaltes in vlees en eieren. Vitamine D wordt toegevoegd aan halvarine, margarine en bak- en braadproducten.
Wat doet vitamine D3 tekort?
Vermoeidheid of tekort aan energie. Zwakkere botten. Bloedend tandvlees. Pijn, trillingen of kramp aan spieren en gewrichten.
Welke noten bevatten vitamine D?
Wat je niet in noten en zaden vindt, is vitamine D. Deze vitamine halen we vooral uit de zon, maar ook uit andere, voornamelijk dierlijke voedingsbronnen.
What are the benefits of vitamin D3?
Taking supplements of vitamin D3 ensures you maintain the appropriate levels to support bone health, overall health, and strong immunity. Vitamin D3 is much more than the sunshine vitamin. Research has found that this vitamin plays an integral role in immune system function.
How can I get all the vitamin D3 I Need?
With a clinically-studied supplement, you can get all the vitamin D3 you need each day in one single dose. Take it along with your favorite meal of the day, and your bones, immune system, and heart will thank you. Modern indoor living can limit sun exposure to the skin and vitamin D3 is present in very few food sources, so deficiency can develop.
What is vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)?
When the body is exposed to sunshine and the ultraviolet rays from the sun, the skin is able to produce vitamin D. Vitamin D3 is also the common name for cholecalciferol and is closely related to D2 (ergocalciferol), but slightly different.
What is the difference between vitamin D2 and vitamin D3?
Vitamin D3 is the common name for cholecalciferol and is closely related to D2 (ergocalciferol), but with some slight differences. The body can synthesize vitamin D3 when it is exposed to sunlight. However, vitamin D2 cannot be synthesized naturally.