Wat te doen bij de ziekte van Sever?
De belangrijkste behandeling bij de ziekte van Sever is het terugbrengen van de belasting tot binnen de pijngrens. Zowel de omvang als de intensiteit moeten verminderd worden. Vooral langdurige en intensieve sporten (rennen, springen, sprinten) moeten vermeden worden. Pijn is het signaal om rust te houden.
Wat is een Apofysitis?
Bij de ziekte van Sever of apofysitis calcanei is er sprake van pijnklachten ter hoogte van het hielbeen. Bij kinderen met een onvolgroeid skelet bevindt zich op de plek waar de achillespees vasthecht op het bot nog een groeischijf. Deze groeischijf bestaat voornamelijk uit kraakbeen.
What is apophysitis?
Apophysitis is an inflammation or stress injury to the areas on or around growth plates in children and adolescents. Apophysitis is usually caused by repetitive overuse activities like running, jumping, and throwing but can also occur as an acute injury with a fall or rapid,…
What causes apophysitis in children?
Apophysitis is an inflammation or stress injury to the areas on or around growth plates in children and adolescents. Apophysitis is usually caused by repetitive overuse activities like running, jumping, and throwing but can also occur as an acute injury with a fall or rapid, powerful movement. What are the most common types of apophysitis?
What is apophysitis (growth plate)?
“Apophysitis” is the medical term used to indicate inflammation and stress injury where a muscle and its tendon attaches to the area on a bone where growth occurs in a child or adolescent, an area called the “growth plate.” Apophysitis is commonly seen in active, growing children and adolescents.
Why is the Apophysis so dangerous?
The apophysis, as well as other growth plates, are the weakest link in the musculoskeletal system and are prone to injury from direct trauma or repetitive stress. Apophysitis, which means inflammation of the growth plate, develops in children due to chronic traction of a tendon at its insertion onto the growth plate.