Wat is sorbitol?
Wat is sorbitol? Sorbitol – in Europa ook wel bekend als E420 – is een natuurlijke suiker die in allerlei vruchten voorkomt. Denk aan appels, pruimen, bramen en peren. Het is een zogenaamde extensieve zoetstof, wat betekent dat het in tegenstelling tot stoffen als aspartaam iets minder zoet is dan suiker zelf.
Waarom tast sorbitol het gebit niet aan?
Zoetstoffen worden heel anders verwerkt in het lichaam; in de mond worden ze niet omgezet in zuren. Ze zijn daardoor een betere keuze voor de mondgezondheid. Zoetstof komt in de vorm van sorbitol zelfs voor in tandpasta en ook de xylitol in kauwgom kan helpen om je gebit te beschermen.
Is sorbitol a laxative?
Sorbitol. It is also used as a thickening agent and to retain moisture in the cosmetic industry. It is also a sugar replacement in many commercially sold foods. Compared to xylitol and erythritol, sorbitol has the most laxative effect. This sweetener has been associated with causing stomach problems for some people.
What foods contain xylitol and sorbitol?
The foods most likely to contain both xylitol and sorbitol are fruits and berries. Xylitol is easier to source than sorbitol as it exists in a variety of plant stalks and within the bark of trees. Sorbitol is usually made from corn syrup.
What are the health benefits of xylitol and sorbitol?
Xylitol can also help decrease rates of ear infections and may be able to help increase bone volume, as well as having prebiotic effects that allow it to help lower your cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Sorbitol has less-well-studied health benefits, but its digestive side effects are actually considered a positive in some types of products.
Where does xylitol come from?
Xylitol can be made from a variety of different sources, including foods like: Xylitol can be found in all sorts of products, from chewing gum to candy and even toothpaste. Sorbitol is found in similar products.