Wat is RS232?
RS-232 is een standaard voor de communicatie tussen computers en randapparatuur of tussen computers onderling, meer bepaald voor seriële binaire data-communicatie.
What is the difference between DB-9 and RS-232?
The term DB-9 really pertains to the connectors on the end of the cables and not the cables themselves. DB9, for example, is a 9 pin connector for a serial cable. You can see one here. RS-232, on the other hand, refers to the standard itself.
What is the RS232c DE-9?
The RS232C DE-9, often mistakenly referred to as a DB-9 port used to be the industry standard for serial data transmission. A RS-232 serial port was a standard feature of personal computers as it was the preferred way to connect modems, keyboards, mice, external storage and many other peripheral devices. The background of the 9 pin serial port
What is the pinout of RS232?
RS232 Pinout Below is the pinout of a typical standard male 9-pin RS232 connector, this connector type is also referred to as a DB9 connector. A computer’s serial COM port (DTE) is usually a male port as shown below, and any peripheral devices you connect to this port usually has a female connector (DCE).
Is RS232 DTE male or female?
RS232 Pinout. A computer’s serial COM port (DTE) is usually a male port as shown below, and any peripheral devices you connect to this port usually has a female connector (DCE). This table shows the pin numbers with signal names and the signal direction.
Are UART and RS-232 the same thing?
No, UART and RS-232 are not the same. UART is responsible for sending and receiving a sequence of bits. At the output of a UART these bits are usually represented by logic level voltages.
What is RS-232 and RS-422?
These bits can become RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, or perhaps some proprietary spec. RS-232 specifies voltage levels. Notice that some of these voltage levels are negative, and they can also reach ±15V. Larger voltage swing makes RS-232 more resistant to interference (albeit only to some extent).
What is the output voltage of a UART?
At the output of a UART these bits are usually represented by logic level voltages. These bits can become RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, or perhaps some proprietary spec. RS-232 specifies voltage levels. Notice that some of these voltage levels are negative, and they can also reach ±15V.
What is the logic level of a UART?
UART is responsible for sending and receiving a sequence of bits. At the output of a UART these bits are usually represented by logic level voltages. These bits can become RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, or perhaps some proprietary spec. RS-232 specifies voltage levels. Notice that some of these voltage levels are negative,…