Wat is Pseudocholinesterase deficientie?

Wat is Pseudocholinesterase deficiëntie?

Genetische aanleg Een dergelijke verminderde werking, ook wel pseudocholinesterase-deficiëntie genoemd, komt ongeveer voor bij 1 op de 2.500 mensen. Bij pseudocholinesterase-deficiëntie kunnen de (ademhalings)spieren uren verslapt blijven, waardoor er mogelijk langdurig moet worden beademd.

Wat is maligne hyperthermie?

Maligne hyperthermie (MH) is een levensbedreigende complicatie van algehele anesthesie. Deze aandoening ontstaat wanneer erfelijk belaste personen in contact komen met bepaalde anesthesiemiddelen. MH is een zeldzame erfelijke aandoening.

What is pseudocholinesterase deficiency?

Summary Summary. Pseudocholinesterase deficiency is a condition that causes increased sensitivity to certain muscle relaxant drugs used during general anesthesia (choline esters). These drugs relax the muscles used for movement, including those used for breathing. Normally, the muscles are able to move again a few minutes after the drugs are given.

What is butyrylcholinesterase deficiency?

Pseudocholinesterase deficiency, also known as butyrylcholinesterase deficiency, refers to a rare acquired or inherited defect in the pseudocholinesterase enzyme produced by the liver. In clinical anesthesia practice, the muscle relaxants succinylcholine and mivacurium are drugs used to optimize int …

How common is pseudocholinesterase deficiency in India?

A study performed in the Indian State of Tamil Nadu in Coimbatore, on 22 men and women from this community showed that 9 of them had pseudocholinesterase deficiency, which translates to a prevalence that is 4000-fold higher than that in European and American populations.

How long does it take to recover from pseudocholinesterase deficiency?

Normally, the muscles are able to move again a few minutes after the drugs are given. People with pseudocholinesterase deficiency may not be able to move or breathe on their own for a few hours after these drugs are given. They therefore may need mechanical ventilation until the drugs are cleared from the body.