Wat is Lucrin injectie?
Het remt de aanmaak van mannelijke en vrouwelijke geslachtshormonen. Bij mannen bij prostaatkanker. Bij vrouwen bij borstkanker, een vleesboom in de baarmoeder, endometriose (pijn in de buik door weefsel dat lijkt op baarmoederslijmvlies) en bij verminderde vruchtbaarheid.
Wat kost Xgeva?
€ 326,72 exclusief afleverkosten. Afleverkosten zijn de kosten die uw apotheker hanteert voor het leveren van het geneesmiddel.
Is there a generic name for leuprolide?
Chemocare.com uses generic names in all descriptions of drugs. Eligard is the trade name for leuprolide. Lupron and lupron depot and viadur are other names for leuprolide. In some cases, health care professionals may use the trade name eligard or other names lupron or lupron depot or viadur when referring to the generic drug name leuprolide.
What should I know about leuprolide before taking it?
Leuprolide may cause an increase in certain hormones in the first few weeks after injection. Your doctor will monitor you carefully for any new or worsening symptoms during this time. Ask your pharmacist or doctor for a copy of the manufacturer’s information for the patient. What special precautions should I follow?
What is leuprolide acetate used for?
FDA label information for this drug is available at DailyMed. Leuprolide acetate is approved for palliative treatment of: Prostate cancer that is advanced. Leuprolide acetate is also being studied in the treatment of other types of cancer.
What are the side effects of leuprolide for prostate cancer?
Leuprolide may cause short-term (within first 2 weeks of treatment) increases in testosterone serum levels. When this is used for prostate cancer the resulting “tumor flare” can cause temporary increase of bone pain, swelling of the prostate that blocks urine flow or swelling around tumor in the spine causing compression of the spinal cord.