Wat is het verschil tussen PMS en PMDD?

Wat is het verschil tussen PMS en PMDD?

PMDD komt minder voor dan PMS, het premenstrueel syndroom met veel mildere klachten, dat bij 85 tot 95 procent van de vrouwen voorkomt. De klachten van PMDD kunnen variëren en kunnen bestaan uit stemmingswisselingen, paniekaanvallen, vermoeidheid, gevoelens van verdriet, wanhoop, spanning tot zelfs zelfmoordgedachten.

Waar staat PMDS voor?

Het premenstrueel dysforie syndroom (of PMDD – PreMenstrueel Dysphoric Disorder) is een cyclische op hormonen gebaseerde stemmingsstoornis, met symptomen die voorkomen tijdens de premenstruele fase (ook wel luteale fase genoemd) van de menstruatiecyclus, die gemiddeld duurt vanaf de eisprong tot het begin van de …

Do I have PMS or PMDD?

But if your PMS symptoms are so extreme that they stop you from doing the normal things that you do at work or at home, or if they affect the way that you relate to the people in your life, you may have premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), which is a more severe form of PMS.

What is PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder)?

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a much more severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It may affect women of childbearing age. It’s a severe and chronic medical condition that needs attention and treatment. Lifestyle changes and sometimes medicines can help manage symptoms. What causes PMDD?

What is PMDD and how does it affect your body?

What is PMDD? PMDD is a condition similar to PMS that also happens in the week or two before your period starts as hormone levels begin to fall after ovulation. PMDD causes more severe symptoms than PMS, including severe depression, irritability, and tension. Who gets PMDD?

Is the medical profession doing enough to help women with PMDD?

Unfortunately, much of the medical profession is undereducated about PMDD. You will need to be an advocate for your health. You can look to the Gia Allemand Foundation and the Center for Women’s Mental Health at Massachusetts General Hospital for information and guidance. Reach out to peer support groups. Remember, you are not alone.