Wat is een Teratoma?
Tumor die ontstaat in de germinale cellen (of de kiemcellen, spermatozoïden (of zaadcellen) bij de man en ova (of eicellen) bij de vrouw) en die verschillende types van weefsels kan bevatten, zoals spierweefsel, botweefsel en haarweefsel. Teratomen kunnen goedaardig (benigne) of kwaadaardig (maligne) zijn.
What is teratoma tumor?
Teratoma Tumor: The demonic mass that grows teeth, eyes, feet, and organs. The initial diagnosis was made by a local physician as Aspergillus infection because of positive results of Aspergillus galactomannan (GM) assay. The patient was administered voriconazole (4 mg/kg, q12h) for two weeks; however, her symptoms failed to alleviate.
What are the types of teratoma in pediatric germ cell tumors?
Of 641 children with pure teratoma, nine developed TMT: five carcinoma, two glioma, and two embryonal carcinoma (here, these last are classified among germ cell tumors). Extraspinal ependymoma, usually considered to be a glioma (a type of nongerm cell tumor), may be an unusual form of mature teratoma.
What is a teratoma of the tailbone?
A teratoma is a tumor made up of several different types of tissue, such as hair, muscle, or bone. They typically form in the ovaries, testicles, or tailbone and less commonly in other areas. Teratomas occur in the tailbone in about 1 in 30,000 newborns making them one of the most common tumor in this age group.
What is the prognosis of teratoma grade 0 (mature) tumor?
A “benign” grade 0 (mature) teratoma nonetheless has a risk of malignancy. Recurrence with malignant endodermal sinus tumor has been reported in cases of formerly benign mature teratoma, even in fetiform teratoma and fetus in fetu. Squamous cell carcinoma has been found in a mature cystic teratoma at the time of initial surgery.
What is a teratoma and what causes it?
Teratomas result from a complication in the body’s growth process, involving the way that your cells differentiate and specialize. Teratomas arise in your body’s germ cells, which are produced very early in the development of the fetus.
What is a teratoma of the testicle?
Testicular teratoma is most common between the ages of 20 to 30, though it can occur at any age. Teratomas result from a complication in the body’s growth process, involving the way that your cells differentiate and specialize. Teratomas arise in your body’s germ cells, which are produced very early in the development of the fetus.
How do I know if I have a teratoma?
A common symptom is a swelling at the tailbone, which obstetricians look for in newborns. Your doctor may use X-ray of the pelvis, ultrasound, and CT scans to help diagnose a teratoma. Blood tests can also be helpful. Mature ovarian teratomas (dermoid cysts) usually present no symptoms.
What is the best treatment for a teratoma?
The treatment for Teratoma depends on the size and location of the tumor. The most preferred treatment for Teratoma is surgical removal of the tumor and other organs involved with the tumor.