Wat is een sprint 0?
Een Sprint 0 (of Sprint Zero) in software-ontwikkeling is een fase waarin wordt bepaald wat er ontwikkeld moet gaan worden.
Wat doe je tijdens een sprint review?
Wat is de Sprint Review? De Sprint Review is bedoeld als het officiële moment tijdens elke sprint waarin het Scrum Team aan de Stakeholders het gemaakte (deel)product toont. De Stakeholders geven hun feedback naar aanleiding van het (deel)product dat gedemonstreerd is. Deze demonstratie moet letterlijk genomen worden.
What is zero sprint in agile?
– Start backlog refinement early to prepare the team for coming initial sprint. – Ensure that the working environments are set up such as whiteboard, team workspace and hardware equipment, software, meeting place and etc. – Establish your test approach (test frameworks, process, etc.). – Put any required automation and best practices in place, i.e.
What is sprint zero in scrum based agile?
Specialists are needed to help setup. Technical specialists outside of the sprint team can often be contracted to help setup the environment for the project.
How to manage end of sprint 0?
– readability; – the links between various items are maintained, even from one sprint to another; – accurate estimates for user stories (or product backlog items); – consistent monitoring and reporting; – etc.
What happens in sprint zero?
Sprint 0 Session. Further, as either an extension of the Agile Project Kick-off, or as a scheduled separate meeting to kick off the team’s effort, the Sprint 0 session should focus on the needs of the Team. Other attendees can be relieved or the Scrum Master can schedule the separate session with the Product Owner and team members.