Wat is een easter egg?
Een easter egg (Engels voor paasei) is een grap of een verborgen boodschap die in een computerprogramma, film, website, computerspel, dvd, cd (hidden track), plaatje, pretparkattractie of boek verwerkt is. Net als echte paaseieren zitten deze snufjes verborgen en moet ernaar gezocht worden.
Waarom Easter Egg?
Het is een verborgen extraatje van een computerprogramma. Een easter egg activeert u meestal met een speciale toetscombinatie of reeks toetsaanslagen, die u zelf moet ontdekken. Na het indrukken van de toetscombinatie, al dan niet gevolgd door het typen van een of meer woorden, verschijnt het extraatje.
Do game developers go too far with Easter eggs?
Developers love to hide easter eggs, goodies, and collectibles in their games but sometimes they can go a bit too far. Whether it’s on purpose or they simply “thought people would have an easier time finding these things,” sometimes secrets and easter eggs can go undiscovered for decades.
Are easter eggs and secret codes too hard to find?
Easter Eggs and secret codes aren’t meant to be easy for gamers to find… but they aren’t meant to be THIS hard! Developers love to hide easter eggs, goodies, and collectibles in their games but sometimes they can go a bit too far.
Are there any alien Easter eggs in Final Fantasy VIII?
PuPu The Alien (Final Fantasy VIII) Easter eggs become increasingly difficult to find when the scale of a game is as imposing as Final Fantasy VIII’s. The four-disc (at the time) 60+ hour adventure was filled to the brim with sidequests so it’s no wonder a couple of secrets escaped over the years.
How long do Easter eggs go undiscovered?
Whether it’s on purpose or they simply “thought people would have an easier time finding these things,” sometimes secrets and easter eggs can go undiscovered for decades. RELATED: A Totaka’s Song Easter Egg Has Been Uncovered After 14 Years – But What Is A ‘Totaka’s Song?’
What was the first video game with Easter eggs?
The earliest known video game Easter egg is in Moonlander (1973), in which the player tries to land a spaceship on the moon; if the player flies horizontally enough, they encounter a McDonald’s restaurant and if they land next to it an astronaut will visit it instead of standing next to the ship.
What is an easter egg?
An Easter egg is a message, image, or feature hidden in software, a video game, a film, or another, usually electronic, medium.
Does adventure have an easter egg in Ready Player One?
If you know video game history (or SPOILER ALERT recently saw Ready Player One) you’re familiar with the Easter Egg hidden in Adventure on the Atari 2600.
How do you find the Easter egg in the tooltip?
Another Easter egg can be found in a tooltip when a mouse pointer is hovered over the hedgehog. An Easter egg is a message, image, or feature hidden in software, a video game, a film, or another, usually electronic, medium.