Wat betekent astma bronchiale?
Astma bronchiale is een ziektebeeld met aanvalsgewijs optredende en vrijwel volledig reversibele luchtwegobstructie. Deze luchtwegobstructie wordt, in wisselende mate, bepaald door spasme van gladde-spiervezels, slijmvlieszwelling en slijmvorming.
Wat is een longaanval bij astma?
Bij een longaanval door astma trekken uw longbuisjes opeens samen. Hierdoor krijgt u heftige klachten van uw astma. U krijgt daardoor 1 of meer van deze klachten: U bent erg benauwd, ook als u stilstaat of zit.
What is an exacerbation of bronchial asthma?
Exacerbation of Bronchial Asthma Exacerbations of asthma are episodes of increasing dyspnoea, coughing, wheezing, or stuffiness in the chest, requiring changes in the usual mode of therapy. In asthma exacerbation, peak flow meter and FEV1 decrease.
What are the signs and symptoms of asthma exacerbation?
An asthma exacerbation is an acute or subacute episode of progressive worsening of symptoms of asthma, including shortness of breath, wheezing, cough, and chest tightness. Exacerbations are marked by decreases from baseline in objective measures of pulmonary function, such as peak expiratory flow rate and FEV1. History and exam.
Who has the highest rate of asthma exacerbations?
One study showed that women tend to have more asthma exacerbations than men. Also, African-American and Hispanic people with asthma are admitted to the hospital for exacerbations at a higher rate than Caucasians. How’s an acute exacerbation of asthma diagnosed? If you’ve had an acute exacerbation before, you’ll probably recognize the symptoms.
How long does an asthma exacerbation last?
The rate of asthma exacerbation can vary significantly in different patients – from several minutes or hours to 10-14 days, as well as the resolution of an exacerbation – from 5 to 14 days. Various triggers that induce inflammation of the respiratory tract or provoke acute bronchospasm. Different patients have different triggers.