Waarom Cascade regeling?
Cascade regeling wordt toegepast om trage processen (grote dode tijd) te regelen met een zo snel mogelijke respons op procesverstoringen inclusief setpoint veranderingen. Tegelijkertijd zal de kans op ‘overshoot’ minimaal zijn.
Wat is een split range regeling?
Een ‘Split-range’-regeling is een regeling met één geregelde grootheid en meerdere regelende grootheden. De gemeten grootheid verdeelt haar actie over bijvoorbeeld twee regelorganen.
What is a cascade effect in science?
A cascade effect is an inevitable and sometimes unforeseen chain of events due to an act affecting a system. If there is a possibility that the cascade effect will have a negative impact on the system, it is possible to analyze the effects with a consequence / impact analysis.
What is information cascade in behavioral economics?
An Information cascade or informational cascade is a phenomenon described in behavioral economics and network theory in which a number of people make the same decision in a sequential fashion. It is similar to, but distinct from herd behavior. An information cascade is generally accepted as a two-step process.
What are information cascades?
A Guide to Understanding Information Cascades. An information cascade is a situation where each person makes a decision/choice based on the observations or choices of others while ignoring his own personal information. Information cascade is a theory used in the field of behavioral economics as well as other social sciences.
What are the disadvantages of the information cascade?
The information cascade has begun, and all of the participants have very little information to back up their decision-making. If the initial source in an information cascade isn’t a reliable and knowledgeable person, or if conditions change, then the cascade may cause great financial harm in the long run.