Waar ligt Plymouth USA?

Waar ligt Plymouth USA?

Plymouth is een plaats (town) in Massachusetts, ongeveer 65 kilometer ten zuiden van Boston aan de kust van de Cape Cod Bay. Plymouth heeft 51.701 inwoners (2000). Plymouth is de plaats waar de Pilgrim Fathers in 1620 landden met hun schip, de Mayflower, en de Plymouth Colony vestigden.

What was the name of the Plymouth Colony?

The Plymouth Colony was one of the earliest British colonies in North America. The land was named Plymouth by Captain John Smith, one of the earlier surveyors there, and when the colony arrived, they titled themselves after the land: the Plymouth Colony. Public domain image.

Who was the military leader of Plymouth Colony?

Plymouth was the first colony in the region, but it was much smaller than Massachusetts Bay Colony by the time they merged. Myles Standish was the military leader of Plymouth Colony from the beginning. He was officially designated as the captain of the colony’s militia in February 1621, shortly after the arrival of the Mayflower in December 1620.

What are some important events in the history of Plymouth Colony?

Plymouth Colony 1 Journey to the New World. The Mayflower in Plymouth Harbor. 2 Surviving the First Year in Plymouth Colony. 3 The First Thanksgiving. 4 The Mayflower Compact. 5 Governor William. 6 Growth and Decline of the Plymouth Colony. 7 Plymouth Plantation.

Why is Plymouth important to American history?

Plymouth played a central role in King Philip’s War (1675–1678), one of several Indian Wars, but the colony was ultimately merged with the Massachusetts Bay Colony and other territories in 1691 to form the Province of Massachusetts Bay . Despite the colony’s relatively short existence, Plymouth holds a special role in American history.

Welke staat ligt Massachusetts?

Massachusetts is een van de staten van de Verenigde Staten en ligt in de regio New England. De bijnaam van de staat is de “Bay State” (“baaistaat”), naar Massachusetts Bay, het deel van de Atlantische Oceaan voor de kust van Massachusetts. De standaardafkorting is MA. De hoofdstad is Boston.

Wat is Cape Cod hout?

Cape Cod is een houten gevelbekleding dat al jaren met succes weerstand biedt tegen de meest wisselvallige weersomstandigheden. Vervaardigd volgens innovatieve procedures voor houtdroging en verduurzaming. Cape Cod wordt gemaakt van Lodgepole Pine, ook wel bekend als Noord-Amerikaans grenen.