Waar komt koolzaad vandaan?
Koolzaad komt oorspronkelijk uit het oostelijke deel van de Middellandse Zee waar de olie werd gebruikt voor consumptie en als lampolie. In India komt koolzaad rond 2000 v. Chr. al voor.
Welke plant lijkt op koolzaad?
Een opvallende eenjarige tot tweejarige plantensoort die in het voorjaar enorme velden kan bezetten is Raapzaad, Brassica rapa L., uit de Kruisbloemenfamilie. Overigens kan het op deze akkers of in bermen staand gewas ook Koolzaad zijn. Beide soorten lijken heel veel op elkaar en zijn niet gemakkelijk te onderscheiden.
What is canola crop?
Canola is a crop with plants from three to five feet tall that produce pods from which seeds are harvested and crushed to create canola oil and meal. These plants also produce small, yellow flowers, which beautify the environment.
What is the value of canola in Canada?
In 2009, canola was Canada’s most valuable cash crop. Canada is responsible for 75% of canola oil for global trade. Canola’s largest customer is the United States which imports 67% of Canada’s canola oil (valued at $345 million per year) and 95% of its meal (roughly worth $85 million). Our principle seed buyers are Japan and Mexico.
How canola seed becomes oil and meal products?
How canola seed becomes oil and meal products The process for turning canola seed into oil and meal is similar to how other oilseeds are processed. Seed is preconditioned and pressed to separate the oil from the solids. Further refining and processing create finished canola products, ready for the market or further processing.
How is canola seed cleaned before harvest?
First canola seed is thoroughly cleaned to remove “dockage” – weed seeds, stems, pods and other materials that may be picked up as canola is harvested. Canola is heated and flaked before extraction so more oil can be released. The temperature is slightly raised in grain dryers to prevent shattering.