Hoeveel mensen heten Liam?
In totaal komt Liam ruim 8.000 keer voor. Vooral vanaf 2012 is een grote stijging te zien in het aantal jongens dat Liam genoemd wordt. Mogelijk heeft dat te maken met de doorbraak van de Engelse boyband One Direction. Een van de zangers uit deze popgroep heet Liam Payne.
Wat past bij Jace?
Deze namen passen bij Jace
- Lotte.
- Lynn.
- Livia.
- Pien.
- Luc.
- Morris.
- Kian.
- Cleo.
Welke naam past bij Nolan?
Mason en Vesper passen heel Goed bij Nolan.
Is it true that William is derived from Liam?
That’s not exactly true. Liam is the short form of Uilliam, which is the old Irish (Gaelic) name. William is the Anglicized version of Uilliam. So, really William is derived from Liam 🙂 That said, the two adult Liams that I know are officially named William.
Is Liam too popular as a nickname for William?
Using Liam as a nickname for William is just the same as using Beth as a nickname for Elizabeth. I prefer Will as a nickname for William, but Liam is totally acceptable. I do not think it is too popular at all and is a refreshing break from the uber-popular trendy names right now. Single Mother by Choice.
What does Liam mean in Irish?
Names Liam is the Irish version of William. William is ultimately derived from Willahelm, an Old High Germanic masculine name, from the Germanic elements “wil” meaning “will, desire” and “helm” which means “helmet, protection.” The name is generally translated to mean “valiant protector” (a desire to protect).
Did Liam Neeson make the name Liam popular?
In fact, Liam didn’t even show mild-moderate usage until the early 1990s. We noticed that there was a significant jump in popularity from 1993 to 1994, so it’s probably fair to assume that Liam Neeson helped influence the name’s appeal. In 1993, he was the star of the movie Schindler’s List (a massive critical and box-office film success).