Hoe moet je urine strippen?
Drie eenvoudige teststappen
- Dompel de teststrip ongeveer 1 seconde in urine.
- Veeg de rand tegen de rand van het bekertje om overtollige urine te verwijderen bij het terugtrekken van de strip.
- Vergelijk na 60 seconden de kleur van het detectievlakken van de strip met de kleurschaal op het buisje van de teststrips.
Hoe doe je een Combur test?
Leg de teststrook op de kleurschaal en lees de kleur af van de eiwitten, nitriet en rode bloedcellen testveldjes. Let op: Het aflezen van de test moet bij daglicht gebeuren. Lees de test af na 30 seconden en binnen 60 seconden na het dompelen van de test in de urine.
What does test blind mean for UC schools?
Test blind means that UC schools will not consider students’ SAT or ACT scores as part of the admissions process. Even if you submit your scores, they won’t be reviewed. Additionally, SAT and ACT scores will no longer be required or considered when applying for Chancellor’s or Regents scholarships.
Is UC test-blind for 2022?
UC will now keep tests optional for an additional year through 2022. For 2023 and 2024, UC will be test-blind, which means students will still have the option of submitting a test score, but that score can only be considered for purposes such as course placement, certain scholarships and eligibility for the statewide admissions guarantee.
Are UCS Test-blind?
Might want to clarify your article, where you say UCs are both test blind and test optional – they are not both. UCs are test blind currently, as you note in your very first paragraph. Then you go on to say they are test optional, which is entirely different, and INCORRECT.
Will the University of California become the first test-blind University in America?
The University of California’s decision to omit test scores from will effectively make the UC system the first test-blind collegiate system in the United States. Photo taken for The UCSD Guardian.