Hoe is het internet ontstaan YouTube?

Hoe is het internet ontstaan YouTube?

De site is in 2005 aangemaakt door drie medewerkers van PayPal. Via PayPal kan je online geld overmaken en ontvangen. Chad Hurley, Steve Chen en Jawed Karim gingen op 15 februari 2005 aan de slag met het opbouwen van de site.

Hoe is het internet ontstaan?

Internet is begonnen als ARPANET. Dit was een militair netwerk, dat in 1969 in de Verenigde staten is gebouwd. In eerste instantie was dit netwerk alleen beschikbaar voor de overheid en voor het onderwijs. Vanaf 1993 hebben consumenten echter ook toegang tot internet.

Hoe is internet uitgevonden?

Bob Kahn
Vinton Cerf

How do I share a YouTube video?

How to Share YouTube Videos, its quick and simple – Goto the video page, scroll down to under the video and you will see a SHARE button. On mobile you can share to any mobile app and on desktop you can share youtube videos to any website or social media you want.

What is YouTube and how does it work?

YouTube is the largest video sharing site, with over 300 hours of video uploaded every minute. Users can create profiles, leave comments on videos, and monetize their YouTube channels to make money. It also provides a way for independent artists and vloggers to release videos to the public. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

What are the main competitors of YouTube?

Dailymotion was established one month after YouTube and continues to be one of its main competitors. Like YouTube, users can upload videos and browse content. The site includes a mixture of professional and amateur content and attracts over 300 million users each month.

How to submit your YouTube videos to gain thousands of views?

Below we have created a list of 10 impactful places to submit your YouTube videos to gain thousands of views. 1. Facebook. Facebook definitely deserves the first mention of your YouTube video as soon as it is published. If you don’t have a Facebook page for your YouTube channel, then you should make it right now.