Hoe duur is een Freakshake?

Hoe duur is een Freakshake?

Het kost al snel tien minuten om er een te maken. De prijs (9,95 euro, red.) moet zich ook rechtvaardigen.

Wat is Freakshake?

De Freakshake bevat alles wat we lekker vinden. De basis wordt gevormd door een romige, ijskoude milkshake, maar dan in een nieuw jasje. Van de klassieke shakes Chocolade, Aardbei en Banaan, tot trendy smaken als Salted Caramel en Pindakaas.

Hoeveel calorieen Freakshake?

De hoeveelheid vitaminen of mineralen die erin zitten zijn minimaal. Neem bijvoorbeeld de ‘Unicorn freakshake’, deze telt zo’n 1.280 calorieën én bevat maar liefst 39 theelepels suiker. De hoeveelheid suikers levert niet enkel de nodige lege calorieën, maar kan op den duur leiden tot obesitas en tandbederf.

What is a freak shake?

Freakshakes are not a drink, they are a meal. Most Freakshakes follow a fairly similar formula. They are usually presented in a hip mason jar filled with a milkshake and then piled high with as many goodies as possible to make it unique, impressive and … Instagramammable.

Where can I buy freakshakes in the US?

Freakshakes have made such an impact, they crossed the oceans to take over the UK and yes, you can now find them in several places in the US. Chocolate Emporium – Recently on a visit to the Toothsome Chocolate Emporium & Savory Feast Kitchen at Universal Studios, we found a very creamy and dreamy Key Lime Pie Freakshake.

How do I order a Joe’s Freak shake?

They are made to order and are capable of being ordered “to go” either online or via phone order at 1-845-221-0488. But, be warned: some Joe’s Dairy Bar & Grill Freak Shakes are so gargantuan that there’s no lid or container big enough for that to happen. Take our word for it, you just have to try one.

What is the freakshake trend and why is everyone talking about it?

“The freakshake trend has been a clear example of the influence of social media,” says Olivia Edwards, senior analyst at food trends agency thefoodpeople. She says Instagram “gave them a platform to be seen and desired all around the world … the first thing most people will do is pop a pic on Instagram”.