Wie is de premier van Italie?
Mario DraghiItalië / Minister-presidentMario Draghi is een Italiaans bankier, econoom en politicus. Hij is sinds 13 februari 2021 de huidige premier van Italië. Eerder was hij van 1 november 2011 tot 31 oktober 2019 de voorzitter van de Europese Centrale Bank. Wikipedia
Wie werd in 2014 premier van Italie?
Matteo Renzi (Florence, 11 januari 1975) is een Italiaans politicus. Hij was premier van Italië van 22 februari 2014 tot 12 december 2016. Renzi is lid van de Senaat van de Republiek voor Florence sinds 23 maart 2018 en partijleider van Italia Viva sinds 18 september 2019.
Who is Italy’s Mario Draghi?
Italy’s Prime Minister Mario Draghi speaks during a joint news conference with Italy’s Economy Minister Daniele Franco (not pictured) on the government’s new fiscal targets in Rome, Italy, September 29, 2021. REUTERS/Yara Nardi/File Photo/File Photo
Will Draghi’s departure throw Italy back into disarray?
LONDON — As Italy enjoys an unusual period of political stability, there are growing fears that a possible departure by Prime Minister Mario Draghi next year could throw it back into disarray. European House Ambrosetti Forum CEO Valerio De Molli told CNBC at the event Thursday that Italy was currently in the midst of a “window of stability.”
Why is Italy’s Draghi visiting Algeria to boost gas imports?
MILAN, April 9 (Reuters) – Italy’s Prime Minister Mario Draghi will visit Algeria on Monday to sign an agreement to ramp up gas imports, two sources said, as Rome steps up efforts to tap alternative flows following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Will Italy accept Draghi’s mandate?
The pro-European forces in the country have all but described Mr. Draghi’s formal acceptance this week of a mandate from Italy’s president to form a new unity government as manna from heaven. But Italy first has to accept it.