Wat zegt de Chadsvasc score?
Bij atriumfibrilleren kan de kans op een beroerte (TIA of herseninfarct) worden berekend met de CHA2DS2-VASc score. Dit is een puntentelling met een uitkomst tussen 0 en 9 berekend aan de hand van slechts 7 vragen.
Wat is de HAS Bled score?
De HAS-BLED score (Hypertension, Abnormal Renal/Liver Function, Stroke, Bleeding History or Predisposition, Labile INR, Elderly, Drugs/Alcohol Concomitantly) wordt nu aanbevolen in Europese en Canadese AF richtlijnen om het risico op ernstige bloedingen in AF patiënten op antistolling in te schatten [4,10-12].
Wat is Valvulair atriumfibrilleren?
Boezemfibrilleren is een ritmestoornis waarbij sprake is van een chaotische depolarisatie van de atria. De sinusknoop wordt hierdoor als het ware overschreeuwd. De elektrische activiteit in de boezems kan tot 600/min.
What is the CHADS2 score?
The CHADS2 score is one of several risk stratification schema that can help determine the 1 year risk of an ischemic stroke in a non-anticoagulated patient with non-valvular AF.
Which patients with high CHADS2 scores are at risk for stroke?
Patients with high CHADS2 scores (>2) are at significant risk for stroke: 5.9% annual risk with a score of 3; up to 18.2% annual stroke risk for patients with a score of 6.
What is the difference between Chads 2 and cha2 DS 2 VASc?
Thus, the CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score is a refinement of CHADS 2 score and extends the latter by including additional common stroke risk factors, that is, age 65–74, female gender and vascular disease. In the CHA 2 DS 2 -VASc score, ‘age 75 and above’ also has extra weight, with 2 points.
What is the difference between Chads 2 and it risk stratification?
It risk stratifies these patients better than the CHADS 2. The CHADS 2 score can help physicians estimate stroke risk in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and determine which antithrombotic therapy is most appropriate. Studies have found that as the CHADS 2 score increases, the annual risk of ischemic stroke increases proportionally.