Wat is Pleuritus?

Wat is Pleuritus?

Pleuritis (in de volksmond ook ‘pleuris’ genoemd) is een ontsteking van uw longvlies of borstvlies. Het longvlies zit om de long en het borstvlies zit tegen de binnenkant van de borstwand. Tussen deze vliezen zit een klein beetje vocht (pleuravocht).

Wat zijn de symptomen van pleuritis?

Symptomen van pleuritis

  • Een scherpe pijn op de borst. Deze kan links, rechts, of aan beide kanten zitten. Je voelt de pijn doorstralen tot in je schouders. De pijn wordt erger wanneer je (diep) ademhaalt.
  • Pijn bij niezen, hoesten en bewegen.
  • Benauwdheid bij inspanning.
  • Droge hoest.
  • Koorts.

What do peritonitis pleurisy and pericarditis have in common?

What do peritonitis pleurisy and pericarditis have in common? Serositis: These all involve inflammation of the lining of the organ (pericarditis = inflammation of the lining of the heart, pleurisy = lining of the lung and p… Read More

What is inflammation of the peritoneum?

The peritoneum is the thin tissue that lines the inside of your abdomen (belly) and covers the abdominal organs. Peritonitis is the term for inflammation of the peritoneum. Usually, an infection causes peritonitis. An injury or certain diseases also can cause it.

What are the two types of peritonitis?

There are two types of peritonitis: Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Sometimes, peritonitis develops as a complication of liver disease, such as cirrhosis, or of kidney disease. Secondary peritonitis. Peritonitis can result from rupture (perforation) in your abdomen, or as a complication of other medical conditions.

What are the causes of peritonitis?

Infection of small, bulging pouches in your digestive tract (diverticulosis) may cause peritonitis if one of the pouches ruptures, spilling intestinal waste into your abdominal cavity. Trauma. Injury or trauma may cause peritonitis by allowing bacteria or chemicals from other parts of your body to enter the peritoneum.