Wat is de wraak van Montezuma?
Buikloop of dysenterie, meestal te wijten aan het tropische klimaat en het exotisch voedsel. Britten die in Frankrijk diarree oplopen, spreken vaak schertsend over ‘Napoleon’s revenge’ (de wraak van Napoleon).
Wie is de baas van de Azteken?
In de Azteekse samenleving waren er verschillende standen. Aan het hoofd stond de keizer. Hij werd vereerd als een god, maar tegelijkertijd was hij opperpriester van de andere goden. Edelen (de piltin of tlahtoanimeh) bestuurden de provincies van het rijk en hadden hoge rangen in het leger.
How did Hernando Cortes and Montezuma meet?
On November 8, 1519, the Spanish conquistador Hernando Cortés first met Montezuma, the Aztec emperor, at the entrance to the capital city of Tenochtitlan. Montezuma, on the other hand, is remembered as a coward who gave away a vast empire and touched off a wave of colonial invasions across the hemisphere.
How did Cortes kill Montezuma?
Did Cortes kill Montezuma? Montezuma was killed in the fighting–in Aztec reports by the Spaniards, and in Spanish reports by an Aztec mob bitter at Montezuma’s subservience to Spanish rule. He was succeeded as emperor by his brother, Cuitláhuac.
Who was Montezuma II?
Montezuma II Xocoyotzin was leader of the Mexica (Aztec) Empire in 1519 when Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes showed up with a powerful army. Montezuma’s indecision in the face of these unknown invaders certainly contributed to the fall of his empire and civilization. There is much more to Montezuma than his defeat by the Spanish, however.
What did Montezuma’s words sound like to Cortes?
But to Cortés, Montezuma’s humble words sounded like surrender. In today’s world, people often find themselves in encounters like that between Cortés and Montezuma—interactions with complete strangers. This book is about why they often go wrong, and why we are so bad at understanding the strangers we come across.