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Waar liggen alle zaden van de wereld?
Wanneer je op het noordelijke archipel van Spitsbergen bent, dan is het een prachtige ervaring om een excursie te maken naar de Global Seed Vault, de globale zaadbank, waar de zaden van alle gewassen ter wereld worden bewaard. De Seed Vault op Spitsbergen is een indrukwekkende bunker.
Waar worden alle zaden bewaard?
De wereldzadenbank op Spitsbergen, Engels: Svalbard Global Seed Vault, is een zadenbank op het eiland Spitsbergen. Daar worden plantzaden van zo veel mogelijk plantenrassen opgeslagen, waaronder de zaden van veel voedselgewassen. De wereldzadenbank wordt ook schertsend de ‘ark van Noach’ genoemd.
What’s the doomsday date?
His algorithm is based on the fact that there are some dates that inevitably share the same weekday within any given year: some other dates, including July 4 (U.S. Independence Day) and Halloween In January, the date varies: it is January 3 in a common year; in a leap year, it falls on January 4. The weekday these dates fall on is called doomsday.
What happened to the doomsday vault in Norway?
In 2017, meltwater even managed to breach into the Doomsday Vault facility, which is designed to be impenetrable. No damage was reported on the stored seeds, but the event prompted Norway to plan improvements on the site and make it more resilient. The Doomsday Vault, managed by the Nordic Genetic Resource Center, first opened in 2008.
Can mankind survive the Doomsday crisis?
Mankind can survive if food crops can be cultivated even after facing the Doomsday. Exactly with this thought in mind, a Doomsday bank was established and is maintained in Norway, storing the seeds of nearly one-third of all the precious varieties of food crops.
What is the ‘Doomsday Vault’?
The Global Seed Vault has been dubbed the “doomsday” vault, which conjures up an image of a reserve of seeds for use in case of an apocalyptic event or a global catastrophe.