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Hoeveel parfum mag je meenemen uit Dubai?
In Dubai mag je als niet-moslim belastingvrij 200 sigaretten, 25 sigaren of 200 gram tabak, 2 flessen wijn of 1 fles sterke drank, 50 gram parfum en 0,25 liter eau de toilet (voor eigen gebruik) meenemen. Het is verboden om souvenirs van beschermde dier- en plantensoorten uit te voeren.
Wat mag mee in handbagage Brussels Airlines?
Een beperkt volume aan vloeistoffen en gels kan in je handbagage worden meegenomen. Je mag maximaal 1 liter meenemen in individuele verpakkingen van maximaal 100ml per stuk. De vloeistoffen en gels moeten ook worden opgeborgen in een transparante, hersluitbare plastic zak.
Hoeveel parfum mag ik meenemen?
Vloeistoffen en gels moeten in een verpakking zitten van maximaal 100 milliliter. De verpakte vloeistoffen en gels moeten zitten in een doorzichtig en hersluitbaar plastic zakje. Het zakje mag maximaal 1 liter zijn. U mag per persoon maximaal 1 plastic 1-literzakje meenemen.
How strict are Emirates on cabin baggage?
How strict are emirates on cabin baggage, weight and size? Emirate are not so strict with its cabin baggage allowance; for economy class passengers are permitted to carry-on a piece of 7 kg (15 lb) with size 55 * 38 * 20 cm (22 * 15 * 8 inches) plus other extra items like perfumes in reasonable quantities and duty free purchases and liquor.
How can I get extra baggage allowance on my Emirates flight?
To check the baggage rules specific to your journey, and how much extra baggage will cost, visit Manage your booking. If you’re an Emirates Skywards Platinum, Gold, or Silver member, you could also enjoy extra baggage allowance on routes that use the weight concept.
What is the weight limit for check in luggage in UAE?
**25 kg in Economy Special for flights between UAE and India. The total dimensions (length + width + height) of an individual bag should not exceed 300 cm (118 inches), bags exceeding this limit will not be accepted as check-in luggage. You can check in a certain number of bags, and each bag has a weight allowance.
What is the difference between an interline and an Emirates flight?
If your travel starts in the United States and the first airline on your booking is not Emirates, different rules may apply. Interline flights are flights that are on the same ticket as your Emirates flights but are operated by another airline and do not have an Emirates flight number (Emirates flight numbers start with EK).