Hoeveel mg DIM per dag?
Diindolylmethaan gebruikt men het meest in doses van 100-150 mg per dag gedurende 1-12 maanden. DIM gebruikt men oraal bij oestrogeendominantie, premenstrueel syndroom (PMS) en gewichtsverlies.
Hoeveel DIM supplement per dag?
Microcrystalline cellulose (vulstof), di-indolyl methaan (DIM), HPMC (verdikkingsmiddel/capsulehuls), choline bitartraat, vitaminen, magnesium stearaat (plantaardig – antiklontermiddel), Bioperine(TM). 4 capsules per dag met ruim water innemen. Bij voorkeur verdelen over de dag en in combinatie met een maaltijd.
Wat doet DIM broccoli?
Broccoli-extract bevat een hoge concentratie aan diindolmethaan of DIM. Wetenschappelijk onderzoek toont aan dat ‘indolen’ zoals DIM een regulerend effect hebben op de oestrogeenontgifting in de lever. Zo bevordert DIM een gezonde oestrogeenbalans en voorkomt het oestrogeendominatie.
What is dim 200?
DIM is the hormone-free way to address the effects of excess potent estrogen in every stage of life.* Mild hot flashes, hormonal acne, bloating, weight gain, low energy, and breast tenderness are just a few of the issues that DIM provides support for.* Each capsule of DIM 200 contains as much DIM as 2 pounds of cruciferous vegetables!
Is 150 mg of dim a day too much?
However, in a 6-month study in 551 women with cervical abnormalities, taking 150 mg of DIM per day had no effect on cervical cell changes ( 3, 13 ). DIM supplements may safeguard against prostate enlargement and prostate cancer.
What are the side effects of dim supplements?
Less common side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and skin rash ( 3 ). As DIM supplements interact with estrogen levels, they may affect people with hormone-sensitive cancers or who are on hormone therapies. Such individuals should steer clear of DIM supplements unless under the supervision of a medical professional.
What is dim diindolylmethane used for?
Product Description. DIM diindolylmethane is a dynamic DIM supplement that supports the body’s estrogen balance. DIM supplements provide support for women for menopause, PCOS, acne, weight loss, and skincare. DIM supplements provide support for men as an aromatase inhibitor and estrogen blocker.