Wat betekend Nostrum?
Nóstrum. (Lat., het onze), geheim middel.
Hoe noemden de Romeinen de Middellandse Zee?
De term ‘Mare nostrum’ werd door de Romeinen gebruikt tijdens de Oudheid, als benaming voor de Middellandse Zee. Omdat de Romeinen in de eerste eeuwen na Chr. de baas waren in dit gebied en in aangrenzende kustplaatsen, noemden ze deze zee Mare nostrum, ofwel: onze zee.
Waarom de Romeinen in hun taal de Middellandse Zee Mare Nostrum noemen?
De Romeinen noemden de Middellandse Zee `mare nostrum’ (onze zee), omdat alle kustgebieden in hun handen waren.
Hoe noemden de Romeinen hun grens?
In het Latijn, de taal van de Romeinen, heet zo’n grens de ‘Limes’. De Rijn is een perfecte grens. Hij is goed te verdedigen, want de vijand komt er niet makkelijk langs. Langs de oevers van de Rijn bouwen de Romeinen forten, wachtposten en legerkampen.
What is a nostrum?
Definition of nostrum 1 : a medicine of secret composition recommended by its preparer but usually without scientific proof of its effectiveness … is put to work at county fairs, promoting a quack nostrum for pain relief.— Patrick McGrath
What is a quack nostrum?
1 : a medicine of secret composition recommended by its preparer but usually without scientific proof of its effectiveness … is put to work at county fairs, promoting a quack nostrum for pain relief. — Patrick McGrath Synonyms Did you know?
Why is vinegar called Nostrum?
In other words, the use of nostrum emphasized that such a potion was unique or exclusive to the pitchman peddling it. Recent Examples on the Web Or that most ancient medicinal texts, whether Chinese, Persian, or Greek, refer to vinegar (from the French vin aigre and the Latin vinum acetum, or soured wine) as a nostrum?
Are human rights a nostrum?
Human rights, in theory at least, have become an accepted nostrum throughout the world. I am indebted to my brother (in the other National Trust) for this glaringly simple nostrum.