Wat zit er in Monster?

Wat zit er in Monster?

Koolzuurhoudend water, suiker, glucosestroop, voedingszuur: citroenzuur (E330), aroma’s, cafeine (0,03%), taurine (0,4%), zuurteregelaar: natriumcitraat (E331), kleurstof anthocyaninen (E163), ginsengwortelextract (0,08%), L-carnitine L-tartraat (0,04%), conserveermiddelen: sorbinezuur, benzoezuur, vitaminen B2, B3, B6 …

Wat zit er in Monster Energy Zero Sugar?

Ginseng, guarana en glucuronolacton In enkele merken, zoals Monster Energy Ultra Zero Sugar en Rockstar Supersours energiedrank zit ook ginseng (een Chinees kruid), guarana-extract en glucuronolacton.

How much Niacin is in a Monster Energy Drink?

The dietary reference intake established by the Food and Nutrition Board for niacin ranges from 14-18mg daily for adults, with an upper intake level of 35mg for therapeutic use. A 12oz can of Monster energy drink provides 40mg—more than 200% of the daily required amount of (synthetic) vitamin B3 (see nutritional facts in image above).

Can Monster Energy Drink kill you?

Why Monster Energy Drink Can Kill. One has only to look at the ingredients in the drink to know that these ingredients kill!! Monster energy drinks may temporarily provide a quick energy boost, energy, alertness and focus, but there are many dangers that come with that surge of energy that you should be aware of.

Does Red Bull have niacin in it?

Some EDs (5-hour ENERGY shots, Monster, Rockstar Energy, and Red Bull) contain niacin (vitamin B3) in doses above the daily recommended intake. Niacin has positive effects in restoring a healthy lipid profile and delaying the progression of atherosclerosis (9).

How much ginseng is in Monster Energy Drinks?

Most published research studies use a standardized Panax ginseng extract in a dosage of 200mg per day on a short-term basis. The Monster energy drink contains 400mg of this stimulant extract in a 12oz can!