Wat is primaire Hyperoxalurie?

Wat is primaire Hyperoxalurie?

Een aandoening van glyoxylaatmetabolisme, gekarakteriseerd door een aan oxalaat, wat leidt tot nierstenen, nefrocalcinose en uiteindelijk tot nierfalen en systemische oxalose.

Wat kun je zelf doen tegen aderverkalking?

Hoe voorkomt u aderverkalking?

  1. stop met roken.
  2. eet gezond, gevarieerd en niet te vet en te zout.
  3. let op uw cholesterolgehalte, uw huisarts kan dit controleren.
  4. beweeg regelmatig, minstens een half uur per dag.
  5. zorg voor voldoende ontspanning, voorkom stress.
  6. blijf op een gezond gewicht.

What is nephrocalcinosis?

Listen Nephrocalcinosisis a disorder that occurs when too much calcium is deposited in the kidneys. It commonly occurs in premature infants. Individuals may not have symptoms or may have symptoms related to the condition causing nephrocalcinosis.

How is nephrocalcinosis diagnosed?

The diagnosis of Nephrocalcinosis is usually made when an individual presents with symptoms suggestive of renal dysfunction or renal failure. The physician may order an ultrasound of the kidney along with a CT scan which will clearly show deposition of the calcium within the kidney confirming the diagnosis of Nephrocalcinosis.

What are the treatment options for nephrocalcinosis?

Treatment of nephrocalcinosis includes treating the underlying condition causing nephrocalcinosis, if it is known.  The goal of treatment is to reduce symptoms and prevent more calcium from being deposited in the kidneys. Measures are usually taken to reduce abnormal levels of calcium, phosphate, and oxalate in the blood.

What is the prognosis of nephrocalcinosis?

Lessening of nephrocalcinosis may occur over time, but in many cases, such as when it results from primary hyperoxaluria or distal renal tubular acidosis, nephrocalcinosis is largely irreversible. Therefore, early detection and treatment are important.