Waarom heet het eilandjes van Langerhans?
In de alvleesklier wordt insuline gemaakt. De cellen die insuline maken, zitten bij elkaar in groepjes: de eilandjes van Langerhans. Eilandjes van Langerhans heten zo omdat ze in 1869 zijn ontdekt door de Duitse wetenschapper Paul Langerhans.
Wat zijn bètacellen?
Bètacellen zijn cellen in de alvleesklier die insuline aanmaken. Ze zitten in de eilandjes van Langerhans. Als er na het eten veel bloedsuiker in je bloed zit, reageren de bètacellen al binnen 10 minuten. Ze geven opgeslagen insuline af en maken nieuwe insuline aan.
What are islets of Langerhans?
Irregularly shaped patches of endocrine tissue which are located within the pancreas of many vertebrates are called Islets of Langerhans. They were first described in 1869 and named after the famous German physician named Paul Langerhans. One million Islets of Langerhans are present in one human pancreas.
What is Langerhans cell carcinoma (LCH)?
People with LCH produce too many Langerhans cells or histiocytes, a form of white blood cell found in healthy people that is supposed to protect the body from infection. In people with LCH, these cells multiply excessively and build up in certain areas of the body, causing tumors called granulomas to form. [1]
What is Langerhans cell histiocytosis?
People with LCH produce too many Langerhans cells or histiocytes, a form of white blood cell found in healthy people that is supposed to protect the body from infection. In people with LCH, these cells multiply excessively and build up in certain areas of the body, causing tumors called granulomas to form.
What causes Langerhans chondromalacia?
The cause of this disease is unknown, although most data suggest that it is characterized by a growth of immature Langerhans cells that appear to have mutations of the BRAF gene in about half the cases. LCH is not caused by a known infection, is not contagious, nor is it believed to be inherited.