Wie doet de due diligence?

Wie doet de due diligence?

Wie voert het due diligence onderzoek uit? Vaak wordt de financiële/fiscale due diligence uitgevoerd door accountants en fiscalisten en het juridische onderzoek door advocaten. Eventuele vraaggesprekken met het management van de te verkopen onderneming worden vaak uitgevoerd door de beoogde koper zelf.

Wat is due diligence MVO?

Bij MVO gaat due diligence om gepaste zorgvuldigheid ten aanzien van mensenrechten en milieu, om het permanent evalueren en reageren op (potentiële) risico’s en schendingen – zowel bij de eigen bedrijfsvoering als bij de uitbesteding van bedrijfsactiviteiten.

Wat is due diligence wetgeving?

Risicomanagement is onderdeel van due diligence, de plicht om negatieve sociale en milieueffecten van bedrijfsactiviteiten te voorkomen of te beperken, voortkomend uit de OESO richtlijnen en UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

What is due diligence and what does it entail?

What is Due Diligence and What Does it Entail? D ue diligence is an investigation of a business or person prior to signing a contract. More specific to a business sale, business due diligence is the process of verifying the representations made in the CIM and other marketing materials provided to the potential acquirer by the seller.

What does due diligence really mean or not?

Due diligence is the investigation of every aspect of a property that could affect its value and suitability as a home or investment.

How to demonstrate due diligence?

Your use of approved suppliers.

  • Details of how your workplace environment is compliant (e.g.
  • How you prevent cross-contamination in the kitchen.
  • Your HACCP system.
  • Your cleaning schedule and personal hygiene procedures.
  • Records of your fridge and freezer temperatures.
  • Your equipment maintenance procedures.
  • Labelling procedures,including for allergens.
  • What should I review in due diligence?

    Cash flow and profitability. These figure heavily into the twelve key contributors to valuing a practice.

  • Loyalty of the client base. Loyalty of the client base is potentially a double-edged sword.
  • Who does the work,and where. It is not unusual for many CPAs to visit the clients’ offices and perform work onsite.
  • Seller’s billing rates.